[I originally wanted to blog about how someone said I was always happy, always come in bouncing and my reply being its because I know Jesus. But.....this morning something else is weighing me down.]
But instead; I want to talk about what happens when someone talks about someone you know and like.
More specifically, it is Landen's old teacher at daycare. I have built my opinion of her based on what I hear from her mouth, what I see with my eyes and from how Landen reacts around her. I really like her. I think she is a nice person and great with the kids.
Last week, daycare told me that Landen would have a new teacher for his last week because his teacher quit. and I quote "she had to deal with some of her junk". Oh, ok. I immediately thought "I hope she is ok". Well it just so happened that I have her phone number so I asked. She said that she was fine but could not handle the things at work any more and has decided to watch kids in her own home until started college in the fall. She said that there was a little boy that is in Landen's class starting next Monday (today). I thought it was awesome and wished her good luck. I mentioned that when I stay home, maybe she can keep Landen 1 day a week so that he can play with other kids, and that I would be in touch. - Haven't talked to her since.
This morning when I dropped Landen off at daycare the office manager (not the owner, but while I was told this as the owner was sitting right beside her) told me that and I quote "someone told me that you were thinking of dropping Landen off with her occasionally, and if I were you, I would not do that. We fired her because she is to "grunge" (whatever she meant by that!) and I would never send my kid with her." I asked why and she just repeated herself again. I said well ok, thanks for information.
I left thinking, what is going on!! My instincts about his teacher have been all good. I really like her. I had no intention of just dropping Landen off with her without scoping things out first anyways, because you can never be too sure. I will always keep Landen first and never put him in harms way.
So after taking in all the information, I have decided to make my own opinion of her. I don't want anyone else making that choice for me. It isn't fair to his old teacher.
I was and still am a little taken a back by the office manager saying what she said to me. Even though she said it to "warn me about the teacher", I feel as if I learn so much about her instead. She said it so casual, as if she was not worried about the teachers feelings (even is it is true, she is still a person and deserved respect). I have very mixed feelings about it. Ya know, when the office manager and owner are kinda "laughing about it after she said it"......strange!!!
I sure do not want any one judging me off of what someone else may have said. Especially when that soeone may have heard feelings towards me. So, I wont judge the teacher before I get to set my own opinion of her.
Ok, so I feel a little better now that I got that out!
Lesson learned! --------> BE NICE PEOPLE! Guard your words!!!!!!!!!!! :) Have a great day y'all!
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