This morning I woke up and thought of the dirty dishes in the sink, the dirty floor and the mess of a laundry room that needed my attention. In the mornings I usually only have time to get myself ready, eat breakfast, help get Landen ready and then I have about 20 minutes to spare for whatever else may pop up.
Unless she is off work, my mother comes by every morning to visit with Landen (and it always helps me get those few extra things done). This morning was no different. She came over about 6:40....helped get Landen dressed and what not.
I decided that I would put extra soda in the fridge. So I went to the garage and picked up the 24 pack. Brought them to the kitchen and placed them in front of the fridge. I walked away and I hear Landen say "uh-oh" along with a 'boom!'. He had only knocked them big deal. I decided that they could stay there until I am ready to put them up.
While my mom was helping pin my dress, Landen was trying to pick the 24 pack up. He was grunting and straining. It was really quiet humerus so we let him continue. He on the other hand was getting mad and fustrated that he couldn't pick it all the way up! I told him "son, you dont have to be Hercules every day". ha ha ha. So mom went to help him and noticed that there was soda leaking out of the box....'uh-oh'!!
So I opened them and every single one was bulging at the top. They looked like they were about to blow any second.
So I started handing them to my mom as she put them in the sink to find which one had busted. About half way down, I found was the empty one!!
Meanwhile, Landen was stepping in the soda, looking in the box....he had to be apart of this event!!
Next thing I know, a can that is still in the box bust open and starts spraying me and Landen (who's face is in the box). I pop the top and hand it to mom! "Shesh...disaster slightly diverted!!"
We put the cleaned off cans back on the counter to dry and cool off and went to the laundry room to get towels.
We hear one crash to the floor and go off like a bomb!!! We turn the corner and it is spinning like a top in the middle of the kitchen floor spraying EVERYTHING!!! I mean EVERYTHING: including Landen, the cabinets, the fridge, the walls.....EVERYTHING!! Landen was perfectly fine with what was happening until....Nana screamed!! She went ballistic!! LOL
I am thinking...OH NO!!! MY BABY IS IN THERE GETTING HOSED DOWN WITH SODA!!! Nana is thinking, OH NO!!! HOW DO I GET THAT BABY OUT WITHOUT GETTING HOSED DOWN!!! (She wears scrubs to work and didnt have an extra pair). Right when I was about to rip off my dress and go into the battle zone, mom threw a towel over the grenade!
"Good thinking Nana!!"
Since Nana was screaming and laughing so hard....Landen thought she was hurt! He was crying for her.. I picked him up, reassured him she was ok, moved away from the soda and took a deep breath! We sat there and laughed about the 'homemade bomb situation' and reactions we all had!!
Now along with all the dishes in the sink, the floor is EVEN dirtier, sticky and soda filled towels and rugs filled the already messy laundry room.
Right when I was about to get overwhelmed with the things that needed to be done; Jesus wanted me to see that it wasnt that bad and I needed to relax!!! LOL
In the midst of this messy event; I learned that those things dont really matter.
Usually I would have gotten even more overwhelemed with it and over reacted. This time, I had a great time with my mom and son. It is a story that will last forever!
It was a explosive morning for sure! I am ready for this day and it is going to be a great one....a really HOT one but a great day!!
Make each day "explosive"!!
God Bless :)
Haha, what a morning! And what a great story!