Yesterday I got into a funky attitude. I settled into it really well. It surrounded me like a warm cashmere sweater. I kept telling myself that I needed to break out of it, but unfortunately it felt too comfortable. I didn't like it, not one bit; it overwhelmed me.
I started thinking, there are SO MANY THINGS that I need to do. I got taken over by all the "to do lists" (that I hadn't even made yet). I felt pressure to get it all done and when I realized that I couldn't, instead of letting it go and doing what I could, the pressure grew deeper.
So I showed my attitude to Brandon and Landen. :( I tried to read my bible; taking a hot bubble bath, listening to my music..... nothing worked. It had stuck to me like glue.
This morning I woke up feeling better...until I looked around and remembered all the things that made me upset the ngiht before. Landen has been a little fussier than normal. He is trying to communicate but cant get across what he wants and he gets fustrated. Brandon had to go into work last night, he was tired and wasnt in the helpful mood. All these things started making me stressed. I got an attitude with Brandon and Landen....again!! What is wrong with me?
Since I have dropped Landen off at daycare, I have pondered what is wrong (I havent pin-pointed it yet but I dont need to, it is over with).
It is so easy to get caught up in the earthly things of life. I had a talk with Jesus and refocused my mind and heart upwards. Satan grabbed a hold of me and would NOT let go.
When I was in that funk, I didnt want to be there but couldnt shake it. So I have gave my husband permission to grab a hold of me and shake! Obviously, not to hurt me but to make me realize that I am focused on the wrong things.
Next time I am in a funk....I am just gonna "shake it" off, refocus my heart and mind on the upward path.
Sometimes funks are so hard to shake! Praying for you that today will be better than yesterday. Continue looking upward and focus on what really matters!