Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long. - Psalm 25:5

Thursday, August 16, 2012

My Facebook Convition

Facebook..... a network that gives you the power to make your life seem inferior in an instant. Where you have "friends" who look at your pictures and who read what you "choose" to share.

I have been denying this conviction for a while but I have decided to give God his way! He has given me SO many answered prayers, this is something that I can humbly do for him, set aside my idol until it looses its strong hold.

God isn't happy with my "addiction" over facebook. The Lord has told me let it go. That I shall have NO other idols!! I am getting to involved in it; it takes up to much time, my son's time, my husband's time, My Lord's time!

I am tired of hurting myself. Of getting my feelings hurt because of something so petty. It's really pathetic and ridiculous. I am ready to move on!!

Most of the people on facebook are my family and close friends. There are a few were aren't really a part of your real life. They are your "facebook friends". (I don't like that term.) They don't want to or care to talk to me out side of facebook, I wish they wanted to but I cant change them. But somehow I feel the need to be accepted by them. To see what they are doing.

**The only one that I need to be accepted by it my Savior and He accepts me as I am!**

I can't get away from it, so I have to deactivate my account for a little while. Until I can get grasp on how I handle it. I have tried to "not look". To take it off my phone. I am a weak human! It doesn't matter. I have to take the temptation away and refocus totally.

Once I take this idol away, there is no telling what God will do! He is a faithful and gracious God. He has blessed us with my faithfulness many times before.

I have this blog that I love! Without facebook in the way, I will be blogging more. If you want to read them, please follow along! Hopefully, God willing, there will be plenty of good blogging to come! I also have a blog for Landen. That I write letters, stories, post pictures too. Its great! Something that he will have forever!  I will be tending to that a lot more now also.

I am excited to lean on the Lord. To get into His word and to see what He has in store for me and my family!!

God bless you friends! Until next time, see you on the flip side! :)

Look to the Lord and his strength;
seek his face always. - 1 Chronicles 16:11


  1. I do agree Miranda. The only thing keeping me on right now is keeping people up to date on our reunion in September or getting in touch with people I can't find for the reunion! I'm giving you a high five and completely feel the same way!

  2. Thanks Allison!! I give you a high five right back! Doing that work is hard for sure and you do it very well!! That along with many other roles! :)
